Monday, February 8, 2010

my favorite kind of winter

I love summer! The touch of the sun on my face, the great feeling I get when I wake up and see the early morning sun, the birds, the nature, the long days...sea side, sun baths ... what is not to love?
When winter comes, I function on autopilot. Reality strikes when my nose it's running and I can't sleep because of coughing.
But there is another side of winter I completely forgot about until today. After two days of heavy snowing everything was white. So white that the traffic was paralyzed. It was quiet, the temperature was around the generous -3C, no wind, no traffic noise, just an immense sea of white puffy snow leaving me under the impression I was walking on clouds.
I remembered the days when I didn't hate winter nor loved summer, the days when I could just enjoy every day as it was...any day... the days when the sky was only blue and when I could hear birds singing everywhere...the days when I couldn't multiply two by two, but nor did I cared.


Muhammad Ali said...

You are beautiful summer girl .. I liked your sweet nightingale writeup .. you know what .. keep on writing .. love your melody in words. :)

Oana said...

you made me blush :)

Muhammad Ali said...

You are beautiful :)

Oana said...

you are too sweet