Tuesday, October 19, 2010

La limita de jos a cerului / Flying lessons

October 17, Orhei, Republic of Moldavia: Igor Cobileanski has started shooting his new feature called La limita de jos a cerului (Flying lessons). Shooting is planed to wrap on November 20.
Cobileanski & co preferred shooting in autumn because the rainy atmosphere is more suitable for the drama scenario.
The film is based on a script written by Porumboiu and Cobileanski and it is produced by local Romanian company Saga Film.
La limita de jos a cerului is supported by the Romanian National Centre for Cinema (approx. 290,000 euro grant in 2008).

Born in Comrat (Republic of Moldavia) in 1974, Cobileanski is a graduate of the National University of Theater and Film Arts in Bucharest (class of 1995, Film-making).

Sunday, October 17, 2010


God helped man create chocolate because He wanted mankind to have a small peek into Heaven.
I swear I dream of mountains of chocolate and rivers of icecream! And my guilty conscience is reminding me that it is not good to eat sweets. Talk about guilty pleasure!
When will the day come when chocolate and icecream would not add extra weight or give diseases like diabetes?
Until that day comes, I would settle for the red pill for breakfast, blue pill for lunch, yellow pill for dinner just like Sara Goldfarb (aka. Ellen Burstyn) in Requiem for a dream.
Why give man free will when there is no freedom in chocolate?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Eva Cassidy - Autumn Leaves

let the autumn settle in

This morning (actually 1 pm, but morning for me) when I was heading to gym, I noticed Autumn. Yes, I knew it was cold outside, I did take out of the closet the heavy artillery few weeks back, blue shoes out of the box, but I never had the feeling that autumn came. I only knew summer days were over.
But today was different. Despite the 9 degrees outside, I did not notice the cold. I was surprise to meet Autumn. Small puddles here and there, invisible rain drops and many yellowish leaves fallen at my feet as if someone wanted to place a rug of leaves in front of me. And all this made me feel alive. And for the first time in years I did not mind the weather, I did not mind the Autumn.
I remembered the times when I was little...maybe around five or so. I remembered walking towards kindergarten with my clay colored rubber boots and jumping in the biggest puddle I could find. What I don't remember is being upset because it's Autumn.
So I realized that as I grew up, I forgot how it felt to just take everything as it is, without always compare it to my grown up expectations.
I bet the five year old little girl never expected her life to be as it is now. I just hope she would be proud if she knew.